Regarding Nawkaw Products & Services in Australia
May 3rd, 2024

Nawkaw has not rebranded or changed its company name.
As the pioneering leader in concrete & masonry staining and transformative color solutions, Nawkaw has an ethical responsibility and a moral imperative to denounce imitators and parties misrepresenting their products – as their unproven offerings not only mislead and harm industry at large but also undermine the integrity of the entire sector.
In New South Wales, across Australia, and around the world, Nawkaw’s mission is simple: to deliver unsurpassed quality in staining & color solutions for the built environment.
In Australia, Nawkaw has been proudly operating in service to that mission for over 25 years. Nawkaw continues to transform the built environment and change the way our communities see color through the type of sustainable operations, proven product performance, and quality control that can only be offered through decades of real-world experience.
Our valued customers have no reason to doubt the validity of our claims. We do not engage in deceptive practices, make misleading statements, empty promises, or sell unproven products. If anyone wants proof of the long-lasting power of Nawkaw products, all they need to do is to contact us. We will happily provide references for buildings in their area which demonstrate that what we say is what we do.
Our promises are neither hollow nor conceptual – they are proven.
Nawkaw continues to serve the Australian market through exceptional service, innovative products, and sustainable operations mandated by our trusted name.
It is unfortunate but deeply necessary that we must defend our company name in the clearest possible terms. But we will never hesitate to defend our industry, our brand, our products, or our people. The Australian market has depended upon the Nawkaw name for 25 years. They can continue to depend upon it.
If you have any questions or would like more information about our ongoing Nawkaw Operations in New South Wales, please contact: