

Thirty years ago, North America’s first stains for brick and concrete originated in Nawkaw’s laboratories. Today, Nawkaw provides a portfolio of superior products with proven durability that has withstood the test of time. Each Nawkaw stain provides specific advantages, but all are formulated for longevity.

Locally Adapted | Scientifically Advanced | Environmentally Friendly

Because a brick home in Chicago is exposed to very different conditions than a concrete skyscraper in Sydney, Australia, Nawkaw created and educated regional teams of highly-qualified Color and Application Technicians who adjust color treatments for the specific climate and environmental factors in your area. In addition, Nawkaw’s specialized research team in Athens, Georgia, can perform standardized tests on your materials and provide comprehensive advice.

Each Nawkaw stain provides specific advantages, but all are formulated for longevity. Mineral construction materials, such as brick and concrete, are open-pored, and a capillary effect naturally allows some moisture to penetrate the surface and escape as water vapor. Unlike various film-forming coatings, Nawkaw stains allow building materials to retain that natural breathability, thus preventing cracking, spalling, and delamination of the surface.

Nawkaw stains and technological processes are environmentally friendly. Developing zero VOC products and providing solutions that conserve and restore existing surface materials are just some of the ways Nawkaw is providing a better quality of life in a healthier, more beautiful environment.

Color Products

*All Nawkaw color products are eligible for LEED credits*

NawTone-K Cover Page

Advanced stain for complete design control on concrete and masonry.

NawTone-K Opaque
NawTone-K Opaque

Complete hiding power and beautiful color options in one advanced stain.

NawTone-K Metallic

Metallic stain for stunning finishes on concrete and masonry.


Advanced water repellent stain for concrete and masonry facades. 

NawTone Page Cover Products

Versatile stain with unlimited color choices for masonry or concrete.

Page Cover NawTonePlus

Stain providing color PLUS water repellant in one beautiful step.

NawTone GT Page Cover

Glossy finish stain for versatile color and shine on masonry or concrete. 

Colorless Products

NawKote PC Cover Products Nawkaw

Invisible, photocatalytically active coating designed to give self-cleaning properties to exterior surfaces.


Clear, penetrating water repellent providing moisture protection to vertical masonry and concrete.

NawThinz Page Cover Nawkaw

Diluting agent used to control opacity of NawTone-K stain product. Formulas available for concrete or masonry.

Briggitte Emmons Nawkaw R&D Specialist

Questions About the Science of Nawkaw Products?

Briggitte Emmons-Vega
Research & Development Specialist
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